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Book Lists

Book Lists

Italian Renaissance Reading List

Although the Italian Renaissance is one of the most important world-historical and cultural periods ever, it's quite difficult to penetrate for novices. I speak as one who, in order to learn anything about, had to do all of the reading and teaching to myself. The…
July 11, 2019
Book Lists

Philip K. Dick Reading List

Among the great authors of the 20th century, Philip K. Dick has an odd position. Critics have called him the "Shakespeare of Science Fiction," he's the first science-fiction author to have multiple volumes in the vaunted Library of America series, and he's influenced more movies…
July 9, 2019
Book Lists

Essential Science Fiction Reading List

Want to know where Star Wars or Star Trek came from? Have you watched an awesome science-fiction movie and want to have similar experiences? What if you wanted to know more about the history and key concepts of science fiction? Below are my recommendations for…
July 9, 2019
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